Monday, May 14, 2007

Piratical Art Show

Art Show
Date: 5-31-07
Time: 6-9
Name of show : Piratical Art Show
Artiste : Pyrate Pete
Medium : fine charcoal drawing
Place : Phoebus Art
Address : 1E. Mellen St, Hampton, VA 23663
Phone : 757-722-7496
E-mail :
Manager : Patsy Hollingsworth
Them : nautical (sailing vessel and crew of the 16th and 17th century)
Honoring :Captain David Hiott of the Kalmar Nyckel as well as Captain John Glass, Captain Pernell Taylor along with Blackbeard’s crew and many more
All new, originals and prints

About the art :
In a time without cameras, TV or even a newspaper, artists were present on early voyages to the new world to chronicle what they discovered. Cartographers are map makers, both today and in history. In the 16th and 17th centuries they where much respected, spending many hours creating very detailed drawings of images and likenesses they would work into their maps.
The images of seaman and life in the new world were the only way for Kings and Queens along with anyone else, to see what it may have looked like.

This lost art has been captured by this artist for your enjoyment. Much of my art is done as if I were bringing it back to show those not present what I have seen in my travels, as was done by historical artists long ago.